How to GET LISTINGS by using video
Aug 15, 2022The 2-minute-Property-Sales-Video as a prospecting tool and tactic.
The focus of today’s post is to understand the power of a 2-minute-property-sales-video as a prospecting tool and how to easily implement this tool into your business to win more listings, sell your listings faster and to increase your profile as the go-to real estate agent for your marketplace.
So, what is a 2-minute-Property-Sales-Video ?
A 2-minute-property-sales-video is a video of a real estate agent professionally and expertly selling a listing the real estate agent has for sale.
I am not going to spend this lesson convincing you why you need to include video as part of your sales process; in today’s world, implementing video as a tool into your sales toolkit, is an expectation of any real estate sales agent who wishes to build a financially abundant, successful, and long-term real estate sales career.
I cover why video is so important to the real estate agent, and how to implement video in your business more in this video 👉🏼
The thoughts of implementing video can be extremely nerve wrecking for many people. In fact, if you have seen any of my earlier video lessons or blogposts you’ll see, I was bordering on completely useless at video presentation. However, implementing the use of a 2-minute-property-sales-video into my real estate business helped me with this issue, in fact it could even be said that it was a game-changer for me. Implementing the correct process and structure of a 2-minute-property-sales-video will also help even the ‘most terrified of video’ real estate agent across this hump.
Why is that?
When we understand the perfect structure or flow of a 2-minute-property-sales-video, we will understand why even the most video-shy real estate agents can embrace this powerful and dynamic tool.
When the process I teach is followed, then the correctly structured 2-minute-property-sales-video becomes a powerful prospecting tactic which will day-in/day-out support the real estate agent to win more listing appointments, win more listing presentations, win more property marketing funds, paid in advance by the seller, sell more property, faster and at the right price and will increase the real estate agents profile as a leading local agent in the marketplace.
Property sales videos are services which are offered by all reputable property photographers and property photography companies.
What is the perfect structure or flow to the 2-minute-property-sales-video?
Well its backbone is A carefully crafted script! The script forms the backbone of the 2-minute-property-sales-video.
The script follows a simple and proven structure. The script should include an introduction, 3-5 major selling points about the property, and an outro.
The script will explain through the detailing of the 3-5 major selling points or benefits of the property, why the property is the perfect buy for the local buying market. The script will also demonstrate the real estate agents excellent market knowledge.
There is a proven structure to this script. Linked below you will find where to access the template to the proven script and its structure.
The perfect structure or flow of a 2-minute-property-sales-video will run through a certain sequence of events, those being
- Step1: The intro. {The real estate agent is camera facing at this point.}
- Step 2: Aerial photography, this is used to show the property size, location, and the location of the property to places of importance to your local buying market. {The real estate agent is not camera facing at this point, the real estate agent will be present only as a voice over}
- Step 3: A video fly through. This is where the video will show an imagery demonstration which aligns with the real estate agents’ script of the 3-5 major selling points or benefits offered by purchasing the property. {The real estate agent is not camera facing at this point, the real estate agent will be present only as a voice over. A side note here, as you become more confident on camera and with the process of being filmed, you may like the videographer to add in shots of you, camera facing, speaking a selling point or benefit. This is what I did myself as my confidence grew with each 2-minute-property-sales-video}
- Step 4: The Outro. {The real estate agent is camera facing at this point.}
Before we move on to the next part of the lesson, lets recap the key take-outs of this section:
- Video is a powerful and dynamic prospecting tool and tactic.
- All real estate agents who intend to build a relevant, financially abundant and long-term real estate career need to embrace and leverage off this tool
- The 2-minute-property-sales-video follows a perfect structure and flow, where the real estate agent need only be camera facing for the first 10-15 seconds and the final 10-15 seconds until they build up their confidence in presenting on camera
- There is a perfect script structure and template which the real estate agent will use to craft a voiceover, which is engaging, displays the real estate agent’s excellent sales communication skills, their salesmanship ability in professionally selling a property’s unique selling points. The script will also display the real estate agents superior market knowledge.
There are 2 final points I want to hammer home before we move onto the next section.
As I mentioned earlier, most professional property photography companies, offer this type of videography service as part of their suite of products. The property photography companies, as part of the service, provide all the equipment, lighting, editing, and music soundtrack inclusions on the project.
The turnaround on the 2-minute-property-sales-video, from filming to completion of, and supply of, the finished 2-minute-property-sales-video to the real estate agent, should take a maximum of 48-72 hours.
The property photography company will provide you the completed video, via a download link, including a version which can be use on all the property portals, Facebook, your website, and YouTube, often times they will include a 1-minute snippet which can be used on all the social platforms.
The final point I want to cover is the cost of a 2-minute-property-sales-video, in my own business, the cost of a final 2-minute-property-sales-video, is around $400. However, the important point here I need to hammer home to you, is 9 times out of 10, the property owner, of the property I am selling, pays for the video as part of their marketing costs. And in fact, they pay for the video, prior to the listing going live to the property portals!
As we go along in this video, I will show you exactly how you also can follow my process to ensure your sellers are motivated and excited about including a 2-minute-property-sales-video in their property marketing assets and how they will happily pay funds for it in advance to ensure its inclusion before the listing goes live to the internet.
Let’s now move on and take a deep dive into why a 2-minute-property-sales-video is such a compelling and dynamic tool and tactic at winning a real estate agent more listing opportunities, more listing appointments booked, and more listing sign-ups.
We’ll also look at why and how a 2-minute-property-sales-video is a powerful tool to use to increase your profile in your local marketplace as the ‘go-to’ real estate agent.
And finally, we’ll cover how including a 2-minute-property-sales-video as part of the marketing assets on any listing will help the property to sell faster and at the right price point.
- Why a 2-minute-property-sales-video is such a compelling and dynamic tool and tactic at winning a real estate agent more listing opportunities, more listing appointments booked, and more listing sign-ups.
When potential sellers are considering selling their property, they become interested in the activities of the local real estate agents.
The potential sellers in the marketplace are interested in the activities of the local real estate agents because they are mentally running through a selection process, of trying to decide or work out which local real estate agent will best serve their needs when it comes to selling their property.
In general, bar when life intervenes, which happens to us all, but for the most part, potential sellers think about selling their property for a long time before they actually commit to selling their property. Which means they are always and regularly watching the activities of the local real estate agents in their marketplace.
As the 2-minute-property-sales-video is an excellent way to show your ability as a real estate agent, when a potential seller comes across your property listing online, whether it be on the property portals, Facebook, your or the brokerage/office website, or even through your email newsletter; should that online listing include a 2-minute-property-sales-video of you professionally and expertly selling a property, the potential seller will become impressed by you, your sales communication and your ability to professionally and expertly sell a property.
On top of being impressed by you as a real estate agent, the 2-minute-property-sales-video is connecting with the subtle yet powerful energies of the potential seller’s subconscious.
A big statement huh! … no not really!
What I am actually talking about here is the potential sellers need of social proof.
Here’s a great quote on social proof by Drogos Bratasaaanu.
He is an award-winning scientist and researcher, book author and film creator. He states
“The dominant social force that drives our thinking and our actions is the unconscious search and need for social proof.”
Simply put, the 2-minute-property-sales-video, offers the potential seller the social proof, that you are a performing local real estate agent, because you are successfully listing properties for sale in the marketplace and, the 2-minute-property-sales-video offers the potential seller the social proof, that you are a very good salesperson, because the potential seller has determined this by listening to your excellent sales script and presentation of a property for sale through the use of video
Correctly marketed 2-minute-property-sales-videos will result in the potential sellers within your marketplace calling you and inviting you to their property to carry out a listing presentation.
I cover in-dept in the course linked below how I include 2 or 3 of my most recent 2-minute-property-sales-videos in all of my digital market updates which I send to a potential seller prior to sitting face-to-face for an actual listing presentation.
I include the 2-minute-property-sales-videos for 3-reasons, first to demonstrate my excellent sales communication, second to leverage off the energies of social proof which we have just covered, and third, to support the upcoming conversation I will have with the potential seller about the marketing spend required to support achieving a successful sale of the property, which results in the best sale price being paid from the marketplace within the best timeframe.
Included in the same digital market update, which I provide to the potential seller, prior to the face-to-face listing presentation, I also include the online performance of the 2-minute-property sales video, this online performance will include, how many people viewed the video online and better again, how many people engaged with the video and even how many people watched the video from start to finish.
I will next include the data on how many days the property was on the market before it successfully went under contract and on to being successfully sold.
Again, I cover all of how to do this in the course linked below .
- How a 2-minute-property-sales-video is a powerful tool to increase your profile in your local marketplace as the go-to real estate agent
As I teach often, the greatest hack of building a financially abundant and successful career in real estate, is to simply do your job, of successfully listing and selling property and be seen to do it by the local potential sellers within your marketplace. That activity alone will produce the result of the local potential sellers calling you directly with listing opportunities.
Sidestep with me here for a moment and consider the energy of these 2 -different marketing messages for the local real estate agent within a property marketplace.
Message 1: Which I see very regularly in today’s marketplace, is either a photo or video of a real estate agent, claiming to be the local agent for a marketplace, with a tag line, call me (other options of the same are, email me, OR text me) for your free market update!
Another similar style message that can often be seen out in the marketplace is ‘Interested in knowing what your property is worth today?’ Call me (OR email me OR text me) for your free market update!
Now I want you to ask yourself some direct questions…
How do these marketing messages feel to you?
Is the message customer focused?
Does the message display the agent’s excellent sales ability or skills in the marketplace?
Who’s need is the message serving?
These type of messages in fact smack of the real estate agent just trying to get leads from the marketplace. Now, there is not necessarily anything wrong with this, other than the strategy is just completely outdated for today’s marketplace.
People today are better educated, far busier than ever before, and there is any number of apps out there in the world, that will easily give them the value of their property.
Now, let’s look at a message that performs and aligns with today’s marketplace and its better informed and educated population
Message 2: The real estate agent engages the powerful tool of a 2-minute-property-sales-video as a marketing asset on their listings. For each listing, the real estate agent distributes the video for a 14–30-day online advertising campaign, which distributes the video digitally to their local marketplace and its surrounding suburbs.
This activity alone, will send the energy out to the real estate agents’ marketplace, that the agent is an active and performing agent in the marketplace and, this itself will attract the local potential sellers to contact the agent directly, and willing, with their property needs.
When this type of marketing campaign is applied, it provides a far stronger springboard, to offer a free market-update to the potential sellers in the marketplace. The offer of the free market-update can be incorporated in the tag-line accompanying the video or as a call-to-action on the video advert.
The energy projected into the local marketplace with this type of marketing campaign is far superior, as the potential seller, is watching the real estate agent in action professionally and expertly selling a property.
This projected energy will be actively answering a number of important underlining questions for the potential seller, those questions are; is this person a good real estate agent? Does this real estate agent know what they’re talking about? Are other people listing their property for sale with this real estate agent? and does this real estate agent achieve the desired results?
Using the 2-minute-property-sales video as a marketing tool to increase your profile is leaning right into the energies of social proof that today’s potential sellers require to get them across the line, that YES, you are the right agent to invite for a listing presentation appointment for their property. And further on in the process to another YES, you are the right real estate agent to list their property for sale.
Social Proof is simply leveraging that innate psychological need for consensus and using it to your advantage
I cover exactly how to leverage Facebook to massively increase your profile in the local marketplace with the use of a 2-minute-property-sales-video in the video lesson linked below this video
- How does including a 2-minute-property-sales-video as part of the marketing assets on any listing, support the sales process, which results in the property selling faster and at the right price point?
There are 2 main reasons a 2-minute-property-sales video will result in a property selling faster.
First and foremost, is simply because the real estate agent is speaking the buyer’s language.
As we covered earlier, there is a perfect structure to a 2-minute-property-sales-video, this structure addresses key elements within the buyer’s property purchase journey, which all buyers travel when committing to a property purchase.
The best- and well-known rule of property is location, location, Location! And therefore, forms an important consideration for the buying market
The 2-minute-property-sales-video incorporates aerial photography and imagery, when done correctly, this imagery, will also include important pinpoints, detailing not only the size of the property and land, but also, the key location points, highlighting the ease of access, to the important local amenities within the local marketplace.
Secondly, the backbone, so to speak, of the 2-minute-property-sales-video is a benefit centric script which helps the buyer understand quicker why the property purchase is the right purchase for them.
You will find, when a 2-minute-property-sales-video is incorporated as part of the suite of marketing assets on a property, the buyers who attend the property, will be a far warmer lead, and will ask you more relevant and clarifying questions about the property.
You will also find, the 2-minute-property-sales video is very supportive to the sales process, when it comes to the offer stage in the deal, as the content of the 2-minute-property-sales video will soothe insecurities of the buyer, or the insecurities of their immediate circle of influence, may have about coming forward with a purchase on the property; simply because, when done correctly, the 2-minute-property-sales-video; will give the buyer a 360-degree view of the property and understanding of the benefits the purchase of that property will bring to the buyer, the buyers lifestyle and living experience.
To wrap up todays teaching on the use of the 2-minute-property-sales video as a prospecting tool and how this video becomes a powerful tactic which will day-in/day-out support you to win more listing appointments, win more listing presentations, win more property marketing funds, paid in advance by the seller, sell more property, faster and at the right price and increase your profile as a leading local agent in your marketplace…If you find you are now ready to embrace and implement this powerful tool into your real estate business click the link below this video to access a course in which I teach the exact structure of a winning 2-minute-property-sales-video and how to use this powerful prospecting tool and tactic, to build a financially abundant and successful career in real estate. Go ahead and take that short course and you will be ready to book your first 2-minute-property-sales-video within 7 days.
I’d love to see your 2-minute-property-sales-videos! So, make sure to send them through to me at [email protected]